How To Keep Yourself Safe Online in 2023

As cyber criminals only evolve to become more sophisticated, it has become more difficult to keep yourself safe online. This is especially true if you run a business – you can become a target for people to try and steal your data and your money. However, there are small things you can do to ensure your safety online. Making these changes to your everyday surfing the web routine will allow you to keep yourself safe and protected from cyber hackers.

Update Your Antivirus Software

Antivirus software is one of the best ways you can protect yourself in case something bad happens. Many cyber security services offer up to date anti virus software that will protect you from many types of virus. Malware, ransomware and spyware can be stopped by a good piece of antivirus software. Making sure you buy the best version of the software and keeping it updated regularly will allow you to protect your devices from computer viruses. It can stop a computer virus in its tracks before it causes any damage- prevention is the best policy when it comes to cyber security.


A VPN stands for a ‘virtual private network.’ It disguises your location and IP address, meaning that this information cannot be discovered by other web users. This is incredibly important if you frequently use shared wifi. It means that your private information that is stored on your devices is more disguised than without, as other web users are unable to find your information. It is also a great idea if you want to surf the internet without locational restrictions – by changing your VPN, you can discover what is on streaming services such as Netflix in other countries. It is a reasonably priced way to protect your information online.

Protect Your Passwords

There are many ways you can protect your passwords when you surf the internet. For example, make sure you don’t use the same password for multiple different websites. If you do this, it can make it much easier for hackers to compromise all of your accounts. This means that all of your data could be stolen, which could cost you a lot of time and money. Making sure your passwords have multiple different character types, capital letters and numbers is also a good way to prevent cyber criminals from guessing your password.

Have A Plan In Place

Making sure you are prepared for a cyber attack is one of the best ways you can mitigate the damage in case this unfortunate event happens. Setting out a cyber incident response plan can help you save your time and money (and if you own a business, it will really help your employees too.) Knowing how you will prevent any more damage, as well as securing all of your accounts and making sure your data is backed up are all part of creating a detailed incident response plan. Knowing how you will proceed in the case of a cyber attack is one of the best ways to make sure that you are safe – especially as we are entering an era in which cyber attacks are more common.